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2014-06-16 02:12:00 -0600 commented answer hidden symbol '__aeabi_atexit' in ... is referenced by DSO ...

I believe it is OK to use gnustl_static, or any other STL, or not use STL at all in your app that uses The reason is that no OpenCV external interfaces use STL, and all STL dependencies are terminated inside libopencv_java. The quoted NDK document refers to the situation when STL objects are shared between binaries (e.g. exposes to a method that returns std::string).

2014-06-16 02:01:56 -0600 commented question hidden symbol '__aeabi_atexit' in ... is referenced by DSO ...

The " before Compile++ thumb is a cosmetic bug in NDK specific to Windows, it is caused by difference in echo behavior in Windows and POSIX systems.