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2014-06-12 05:54:51 -0600 commented answer What Modification in the code by Microsoft Kinect D2D sample has to be made to connect it with openCV?

I tried this code.... But it says height and width are uninitialized...

2014-06-12 05:09:47 -0600 commented answer How to open kinect video frame using Kinect sdk and open cv c++?

What Modification in the code by Microsoft Kinect D2D sample has to be made to connect it with openCV?

2014-06-12 05:05:56 -0600 asked a question What Modification in the code by Microsoft Kinect D2D sample has to be made to connect it with openCV?

I got this code from a site.....

cvSetData(img,(BYTE*) pBuffer, img->widthStep);
Mat &m = Mat(img);
Mat &hsv = Mat();
vector<Mat> mv = vector<Mat>(3,Mat(cvSize(640,480),CV_8UC1));
IplImage iplimg(m);

But here it is not told how to initialize the "img".... Help!!