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2014-06-06 10:48:11 -0600 received badge  Critic (source)
2014-06-06 05:03:09 -0600 asked a question Modify the Sticher class for speed

As I understand the OpenCV Stitcher class matches every input image with all other images, which of course slows down exponentially the stitching process. In my case the user will capture images moving the camera from left to right, so the order of the images is known. How can I modify the Stitcher class to compare only side to side images, so no need to compare one against all when composing?


2014-06-04 08:48:08 -0600 asked a question How to reduce the OpenCV library size for Android NDK

Hello, I'm using the Stitcher functionality within Android NDK. For this I'm linking statically the OpenCV library. The problem I'm seeing is that by the nature of how OpenCV has been coded a lot of unnecessary code is being also linked and not stripped off, which by readying the code I also understand no linker will know how to strip, ie: using anonymous enums, etc., which makes a linker difficult to guess what is not used.

Is there any example or has anyone achieved to create a minimal/compact library to use only the stitcher related code and not to have included so much unnecessary and unrelated code?

I know about OpenCVManager but this is not an option for me.
