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2014-05-22 12:08:23 -0600 commented answer Converting Mat to IplImage in Java

No. Object detection and Facial recognition got me into it, but I also wanted to record the footage.

2014-05-22 11:55:38 -0600 commented answer Converting Mat to IplImage in Java

I am developing an app in java where you can detect faces and record the footage at the same time. I need Mat in order to make the detection work, but if i want to record live footage from web cam I need to IplImage and that crashes the app unless I have two web cams running at the same time working separately.

2014-05-22 11:43:31 -0600 commented answer Converting Mat to IplImage in Java

So you are pretty much saying that is not possible to cast mat to IplImage?

2014-05-22 11:25:41 -0600 answered a question Converting Mat to IplImage in Java

Is there a way to convert Mat to IplImage for a java application? This solution you are giving only works in android (bitmap)?