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2014-05-20 10:51:45 -0600 answered a question Build OpenCV for Linux on ARM with FFmpeg

Hi! Just an Idea... Have you tried using cmake-gui instead?. You can add the toolchain file "arm-gnueabi.toolchain.cmake" and by using cmake-gui add or remove options, maybe the ones related to FFMPEG

2014-05-20 10:29:49 -0600 asked a question What to do after ARM cross compilation?


I intend to cross compile a simple opencv application for an ARM based linux system. I already followed all the steps recommended in here but my question is.. What to do next? How do I actually compile a test.cpp file?

For crosscompilation of a simple C application, I usually use the command arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc test.c -o test. How do I add the compiled libraries? And afterwards.. Do I need to do something additional on the embedded linux filesystem?
