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2017-04-23 05:57:57 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2014-05-07 15:54:32 -0600 commented question OpenCV c++ highgui library with windows store

thanks for your quick response. I am talking about OcvImageProcessing sample installed with 2.4.7 release. When I run it as it is it run without any problem and I am able to apply grayscale on lena image.

But when I add a line such as this: cv::VideoCapture camera(0); which depends on highgui library and run the application it crashes with an exception:

Unable to activate Windows Store app.... The OcvImageProcessing.exe process started, but the activation request failed with error. The app didn't started.

2014-05-07 15:33:57 -0600 asked a question OpenCV c++ highgui library with windows store


I am trying to use c++ highgui library to capture frames from camera and apply face detection on the frame using Windows Store app (XAML UI).

Before, I was able to do such job in an ordinary desktop application. A while ago, I installed OpenCV 2.4.8 release which is supposed to support WinRT and it has a sample that apply grayscale and other operations on an image.

But when I tried to use cv::VideoCapture with highgui imported and then ran the app, it gave me an exception.

Please suggest what I have to do to enable Highgui library functions on windows store apps.