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2014-05-05 21:37:42 -0600 answered a question String text is garbage on cv::imshow title bar and in cv::putText display

OK I struggled with the same problem and finally got it resolved for OpenCV library version rev 1. I first added "OPENCV_LIB_TYPE:=STATIC" in to try linking the library statically. The linker gave a bunch of error about - what else - std::string. Then I happened to notice that there was this line "APP_STL := stlport_static" in I don't know how it got there but I changed it to "APP_STL := gnustl_static" and everything worked. I hope this helps someone else having the same issue.

2014-05-05 19:23:14 -0600 commented answer How to build with opencv and native_app_glue

Thank you!

2014-05-05 06:21:41 -0600 commented question String text is garbage on cv::imshow title bar and in cv::putText display

I am having the same issue. Did you ever get the issue resolved? Thanks!

2014-05-03 11:18:26 -0600 commented answer How to build with opencv and native_app_glue

xaffeine: What did you do in the end? Static linking or dlopen or Java? If you have a small working sample project that you don't mind sharing as an example that will be great! Thanks!

2014-05-02 21:22:35 -0600 asked a question Step by step instruction to create NDK native window for drawing?

Is there a step by step instruction to create NDK native window for drawing? (I have the IDE set up and loaded all sample projects. The 15 puzzle sample runs fine on my Note 3. The native window sample crashes.)

I would like to create a new project with native window to do some simple drawings to get familiar with the process. Is there a step by step instruction somewhere?

There is this tutorial on Basic Drawing:

but it has only cpp code. No java nor xml nor mk files. Please help.

Thank you!