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2017-02-17 01:48:05 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2012-10-05 16:55:29 -0600 commented answer Where can I find prebuilt libraries for Cygwin gcc compiler?

Hi, thanks for your answer. The Cygwin GCC version is GCC 3.4.4. But I looked at the OpenCV GCC requirement is GCC 4.4 or later. So I cannot build OpenCV from sources using my Cygwin GCC 3.4.4. So does that mean I can only switch to Visual Studio to compile OpenCV? Many thanks.

2012-10-05 01:11:49 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2012-10-04 22:13:32 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2012-10-04 22:10:15 -0600 asked a question Where can I find prebuilt libraries for Cygwin gcc compiler?

I downloaded OpenCV and tried to compile an example code using my Cygwin gcc complier. But I couldn't find any prebuilt libraries (such as libopencv_highgui) for Cygwin under opencv/build/x86 directory. There is a Mingw directory which contains the libraries for Mingw GCC. But I have only Cygwin GCC installed. So where is the prebuilt library directory for Cygwin GCC? Thanks.

By the way, the OpenCV version I downloaded is the Windows version. Should I download the Linux version if I use Cygwin GCC as my compiler even if I work under Windows?