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2017-04-08 03:43:32 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-03-18 11:15:05 -0600 commented question opencv_ffmpeg320_64.dll error with mjpeg

I tried Opencv 2.4 and it is working 100%

Also i copied opencv_ffmpeg310_64.dll and renamed it to opencv_ffmpeg320_64.dll copied it to opencv3320 ->> vc14/bin folder and code is worked 100% as well


2017-03-18 06:41:35 -0600 commented question problem in cv::capture

Yes i don't know why this line give an exception and it is still give exception (opencv 3.2) only

if (waitKey(30) >= 0) break; //exception


2017-03-18 06:15:11 -0600 asked a question opencv_ffmpeg320_64.dll error with mjpeg

Hi i am trying to load mjpeg camera

Code is working perfect in opencv2.4

but when i try same code with opencv 3.2 and i get the below error

[mpjpeg @ 00000094198e87e0] Expected boundary '--' not found, instead found a li ne of 3 bytes

Please can you help

const std::string videoStreamAddress = "CAM_URL";
    cv::namedWindow("Example3", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

    cv::VideoCapture cap;;

    if (!cap.isOpened())
        cout << "File is not opened!";

    //cout << frame .total()<< endl;
    int i = 1;
    Mat frame;
    for (;;)
        try {
            cout << "showing next frame" << i << endl;
            if (frame.empty())
                cout << "Empty" << endl;
                cout << "Frame: " << i << endl;
            imshow("Example3", frame);
            cout << "Frame showed" << i << endl;
            char c = waitKey(30);//without this image won't be shown

            if (c == 27) break;
            //if (waitKey(30) >= 27) break;  //exception
        catch (...) { /* */

            //cout << e.msg << endl; // output exception message


Regards Wael

2017-03-18 05:19:23 -0600 commented question problem in cv::capture

Problem is solved The crash was in below line using waitKey is like below is the problem

if (waitKey(30) >= 0) break;

Replaced with this line

char c = waitKey(30);
if (c == 27) break;
2017-03-17 21:47:26 -0600 commented question problem in cv::capture

File is opened success First frame is only displayed success After first frame exception happen i tried the code with OpenCV 2.4 without any problem


2017-03-17 15:57:52 -0600 asked a question problem in cv::capture

Hello, I have a problem in project visual studio 2015 opencv 3.2 Same code code works without any problem in opencv 2.4

void Example_video1()
    //const std::string videoStreamAddress = "http://<username:password>@<ip_address>/video.cgi?.mjpg";
    const std::string videoStreamAddress = "http://<username:password>@<ip_address>/video.cgi?.mjpg";

    cv::namedWindow("Example3", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

    cv::VideoCapture cap;"c:\\one.mp4"));

    //cout << frame .total()<< endl;
    int i = 1;
    Mat frame;
    for (;;)

        cap >> frame; // get a new frame from file

        if (frame.empty())
            cout << "Empty" << endl;
            cout << "Frame: " << i << endl;
        imshow("Example3", frame);
        if (waitKey(30) >= 0) break;



i get this exception in this line cap >> frame; // get a new frame from file Exception thrown at 0x00007FF8004368D8 in ConsoleApplication2.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cv::Exception at memory location 0x000000ABBB00EA40.

Kindly advice

2017-03-17 15:45:11 -0600 commented answer I have the codes for live video and finding contours separately.I would like to know how both the codes can be stitched together to find contours in a live video

Sorry i posted in answer box instead of comment

2017-03-17 15:17:42 -0600 answered a question I was able to open ids camera the code in visual studio 2012 with opencv 2.4.13,but now it can't open in visual studio 2015 opencv 3.2.0,c++.pls help me with a solution

Hello I have the same issue Almost same code above

I can run code with opencv 2.4

in opencv 3.2 only first frame displayed. remain frames not streamed
