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2017-03-17 08:19:42 -0600 commented question In FaceRecognizer, does arrangement of data in csv file affects training?

Thank you berak, I was using following format in order to also read name in string format from csv file:


instead of this:


It is working fine now after using later format.

2017-03-17 07:11:58 -0600 asked a question In FaceRecognizer, does arrangement of data in csv file affects training?

I am following a tutorial (unable to post link here, Pl. google it) to do gender classification task in real time. It is detecting and giving label to person in video after training from stored data-set. When I change the sequence of images in .csv file the detection also get affected, so does arrangement of data in .csv file for training affects the output of classifier? Experts please comment.