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2014-04-15 04:29:42 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-04-15 04:28:43 -0600 asked a question Compilation of GPU module fails for CUDA compute capability 1.0

The compilation of the gpu module fails for CUDA compute capability (CC) 1.0 due to the use of atomicXXX functions, which are only available from CC >= 1.1.
According to OpenCV documentation compilation should succeed and functions that require CC > 1.0 should throw exceptions (Compilation for Different NVIDIA* Platforms).
However, some of the kernels in the module test for CC to prevent compilation of code that uses unavailable atomic functions, but others don't, which results in compilation errors, e.g.:

OpenCV-2.4.8/opencv/sources/modules/gpu/src/cuda/ error : identifier "atomicInc" is undefined
OpenCV-2.4.8/opencv/sources/modules/gpu/src/cuda/ error : the global scope has no "atomicAdd"

Compile information:
VisualStudio2010 (msvc v10.0), OpenCV 2.4.8, Quadro FX 4600 (CC 1.0 only),
CUDA 5.5 (nvcc v5.5.0 with flags -gencode;arch=compute_10,code=sm_10;-gencode;arch=compute_10,code=compute_10)

Now to my questions:

  • As a newbie to GPU programming, did I miss something?
  • Is OpenCV still intended to support CC 1.0? If not is the documentation out-of-date?
  • If I would like to fix the compilation issues, is there a policy to handle the unavailability of CUDA functions, e.g. simply remove functionality from the function body as in cv::gpu::device::fast::calcKeypoints(..) [ line 223 ff.]?
    Could anyone hint me to the mechanisms of exception throwing that are mentioned in the documentation of the GPU module for CC 1.0? I was not able to discover any throwing of exceptions from browsing the CUDA code.

For completeness, here are the affected sources in modules/gpu/src/cuda/, which use calls to atomic functions without testing and thus fail to compile for CC 1.0:


As an example on testing for CC, the following sources succeed to compile by disabling the use of atomic functions:
