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2017-02-28 18:02:39 -0600 answered a question How to use lambda as a parameter to parallel_for_

You need to implement a sort of adapter pattern because cv::parallel_for_ is not a template method so the implementation could be like this:

class LambdaBody : public cv::ParallelLoopBody {    
    typedef void(*LambdaParallelLoopBody)(const cv::Range & range);
    LambdaBody(LambdaParallelLoopBody body){
        _body = body;

    void operator() (const cv::Range & range) const
    LambdaParallelLoopBody _body;

and then call it like this

cv::parallel_for_(cv::Range(0, 10), LambdaBody([&](const cv::Range & range){
        std::cout << range.start << " - " << range.end << std::endl;

hope it works for you!