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2017-10-06 03:27:47 -0600 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-07-15 13:29:27 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-03-23 17:17:48 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-07-31 11:18:00 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-02-21 10:46:11 -0600 commented question Martin Peris' 3D Reconstruction with OpenCV and Point Cloud Library

Ok. Thanks for the help though. Just wanna ask. I found the owner of the source code. He has an account here in Is there a way that I can send him a personal message here or tag him?

2014-02-21 10:19:51 -0600 commented question Martin Peris' 3D Reconstruction with OpenCV and Point Cloud Library

I already have the disparity map from my cam. I already did my own stereo calibration. My problem now is how to get the source code running. I really need your help. Thanks.

2014-02-21 10:16:33 -0600 commented question Martin Peris' 3D Reconstruction with OpenCV and Point Cloud Library

I tried creating a console project and pasted the source code. I also did the cmake thing in the folder but I ran into some errors for both cases. I guess they have something to do with the include stuff in opencv and also pcl. Have you tried running the code @berak? I need your help on how to do this in steps. Thanks.

2014-02-21 09:34:38 -0600 commented question Martin Peris' 3D Reconstruction with OpenCV and Point Cloud Library

I already installed opencv and pcl. I also followed his instructions and I also have the disparity map and matrix needed by the code. I want to know what type of project do I create in Visual Studio to run the code. I'm also missing the parts on what to set, include, configure etc. before running it. I guess the instructions on the site are for running the program on linux platform. If someone could try running it on Visual Studio, your feedback will surely help.

2014-02-21 08:45:20 -0600 asked a question Martin Peris' 3D Reconstruction with OpenCV and Point Cloud Library

3D Reconstruction using OpenCV and Point Cloud Library from Stereo Camera generated disparity map.

I need help running Martin Peris' 3D Reconstruction with OpenCV and Point Cloud Library source code - in MS Visual Studio 2010. How can run I it? Please guide me on what needs to be done in order to run it. I need it as reference for my studies and i'm quite new to this thing.