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2017-02-11 20:52:00 -0600 commented answer why imread return empty matrix

no actually when l read from mobile storage it works but doesn't work from any path in my labtop

2017-02-06 10:18:42 -0600 commented answer why imread return empty matrix

l thought there's something wrong in configuration because l try it and run right at python

2017-02-06 10:14:15 -0600 commented answer why imread return empty matrix

actually it;s just simple code Mat b=(Highgui.imread("E:/h.jpg")); tv.setText(b.rows()+""); there's image in this paths and i can open it with other programs it's return 0

2017-02-04 22:21:29 -0600 asked a question why imread return empty matrix

l'm work on android app with opencv 2.4.9 and in jni function l try to read images from database l test simple one Mat testSample = imread("/storage/emulated/0/h.jpg"); l search online but can't solve it but imread function return empty so what's problem? and what's debug mode or release mode (Do l face problem because of them if yes how to fix it) sorry l'm beginner