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2020-10-13 02:31:41 -0600 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2019-07-03 05:05:33 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-08-10 09:40:11 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-01-11 18:00:59 -0600 commented question can you read H265/HEVC file using VideoCapture? With OpenCV 3.1.

If no one knows, it probably corresponds only to 8bit output. Since I use OpenCV, I will draw images directly from x265.

2017-01-10 23:30:50 -0600 commented question can you read H265/HEVC file using VideoCapture? With OpenCV 3.1.

hmm...I guess it is useless.

As a supplement to the environment, X 265 in ffmpeg is set by turning HIGH_BIT_DEPTH ON, Main 12 ON, Other defaults. After making it, I build OpenCV 3.1 and run it on QT.

2017-01-10 21:38:47 -0600 commented question can you read H265/HEVC file using VideoCapture? With OpenCV 3.1.

I have no confirmation, but with the content confirmed using MediaInfo

3840 * 2160 (16: 9), at 59.940 (60000/1001) fps, HEVC (Main 10 @ L 5.1 @ High)

Will be displayed. "Main 10" is about 10 bit profile of HEVC, so I think that it is probably 10 bits.

2017-01-10 01:19:04 -0600 asked a question can you read H265/HEVC file using VideoCapture? With OpenCV 3.1.

Added x265 codec to ffmpeg in OpenCV 3.1 environment.

I am trying to read a file with Video Capture, but when looking at frame, there is only 8 bits of RGB information. Since it is an H265 file, I was expecting to get 10 bits of RGB.

Could you tell me whether the method or procedure you are getting with H265 is wrong?


VideoCapture video = new VideoCapture;
    return -1;

cv::Mat frame(size,size,CV_64FC3);
video >> frame;
if(!frame.ptr() == NULL)
    return -1;

//Video.get FOURCC is "hvc1"
//video.get FORMAT is 0
//frame.type = 16(CV_8UC3)