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2013-12-12 13:17:03 -0600 commented question OpenCV android c++ full resolution camera frame capture

I use xperia lt26i, i need make 13mp photo after detect object on small preview, than convert it to Mat object and make some transformations with opencv on 13 mp photo.

2013-12-11 21:30:38 -0600 asked a question OpenCV android c++ full resolution camera frame capture

I use smartphone camera for object detection. And I use JavaCameraView for frame capture.

Now I can find and detect some objects that I need on Preview using native c++ and Opencv;

TASK: 1. I need make automaticaly full resolution photo in case, if object found on screen; 2. Than convert big photo to Mat object, to make some operations with it, using opencv and native c++.

Ask for your help with some Algorithm to find out solutions that let to do this? Thank you.