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2013-12-11 07:57:37 -0600 commented question findContours - OpenCV 2.4.5, Heap Corruption

Do you use Visual Studio as IDE? If so try to use MFC as shared library.

2013-12-11 07:22:44 -0600 commented question opencv/findContour crashes, v2.4.4, MS visual studio 2010. edit:damaged head.

I have the same problem in VS 2010. The problem was solved when I change option 'Use of MFC' to 'Use MFC in a Shared DLL'. But I still not understand why it could not work with static MFC dll.

2013-12-11 02:03:52 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2013-12-10 23:05:23 -0600 commented question Could not download opencv 2.4.7 for windows from official site

Solved by downloading from other mirror( ).

2013-12-10 22:50:46 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-12-10 22:46:49 -0600 asked a question Could not download opencv 2.4.7 for windows from official site

I am trying to download opencv library from:

And after completing 91% connection with server is lost. I have tried do this using different browser and PCs with the same result.

The download manager ReGet Deluxe gives me this output:

11:38:16    11.12.2013  GET /project/opencvlibrary/opencv-win/2.4.7/OpenCV-2.4.7.exe HTTP/1.0
            User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; <a href=>ReGet Deluxe 5.1</a>; Windows NT 6.0)
            Cookie: sf.consume=0d39532405f8120f37205094c435e6f8c1ee63edgAJ9cQEoVQxsYW5kaW5nX3BhZ2VxAlVSL3Byb2plY3RzL3Byb2Nlc3NoYWNrZXIvZmlsZXMvcHJvY2Vzc2hhY2tlcjIvcHJvY2Vzc2hhY2tlci0yLjI5LXNldHVwLmV4ZS9kb3dubG9hZHEDVQVwcmVmc3EEfXEFVQ51c2VzX3JlbGF0aW9uc3EGiVUHdmVyc2lvbnEHVQEyVQNrZXlxCFUYNTBkN2Q0YTk5MWFhOTEyZDliNmFjZjkzcQlVA19pZHEKVSBkMWZhODE2ZmFhNzc0MjcwODg5YmQxZTFlZTU2YWQ0NnELVQ5fYWNjZXNzZWRfdGltZXEMR0HUNfUqcFMiVQ5fY3JlYXRpb25fdGltZXENR0HUNfUqcFABdS4=
            Accept: */*
            Range: bytes=266335786-
11:38:16    11.12.2013  Error #80004005(Unexpected error) in CSocket::ReadStrUntil2LFLock()
11:38:16    11.12.2013  Error #80004005(Unexpected error) in CRgHttpSession::ConnectHttp()
11:38:16    11.12.2013  Error #80004005(Unexpected error) in CRgHttpSession::RequestFile()

I am not sure if this is correct place for such question but I really want to get last version of opencv library. May be there is some mirrors where I can get it?