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2019-01-03 19:52:21 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-12-24 15:44:46 -0600 commented answer OCR for Arabic Handwritten

Haris, thanks for provinfing links. I'll check them.

2013-12-24 15:42:33 -0600 commented answer OCR for Arabic Handwritten

Thanks Mostafa for your reply. I tried word segmentation using skeleton and chain code but in Matlab environment. I was thinking of using the number of holes and the number of dots as features to be extracted. But, I just struggle in getting the concept of training data and testing data. Would you explain to me in simple terms what would hidden markov models need from me?


2013-12-22 07:32:32 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2013-12-22 07:00:30 -0600 asked a question OCR for Arabic Handwritten

Hi everyone, I'm new in using opencv and I need your help. My aim is to develop an Arabic OCR program for Handwritten. What will be my best way to go for? Will it be good to use one of the machine learning methods?