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2013-11-30 10:48:12 -0600 commented question Help me, TrainCascade : Assertion failed (_step >= minstep) in unknown function

I erased "-bg C:/~~" in CreateSample.exe sentence. But it couldn't solve this problem T.T

2013-11-27 23:40:02 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-11-27 23:39:14 -0600 asked a question Help me, TrainCascade : Assertion failed (_step >= minstep) in unknown function

I have 1084 positive images like this

image description

I resized all of them 75x35 and make positive.txt

image description

And I made 3150 negative images, txt file.

I commanded CreateSample.exe like this

C:\Project\CreateSample\Debug\CreateSample.exe -vec C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/sample/positive_green/vec/sample_green.vec -info C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/sample/positive_green/cut_sizeCvt/positive.txt -bg C:/Users/DSSUNG/Desktop/sample/negative/negative.txt -num 1084 -w 22 -h 10

The result is

image description

Then executed TrainCascade.exe

C:\Project\TrainCascade\Debug\TrainCascade.exe -data C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/sample/positive_green/final -vec C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/sample/positive_green/vec/sample_green.vec -bg C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/sample/negative/negative.txt -numPos 975 -numNeg 3150 -w 22 -h 10 -mode ALL

-numPos 975 is 90% of 1084(the number of positive images)

In 5-stage, the error message "Assertion failed (_step >= minstep) in unknown function" appeared

image description

I've tried -w 11 -h 5, but it made same problem in 7-stage. How can I solve this problem?

Please help me~!!