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2017-05-10 15:15:18 -0600 commented answer OpenCV and NVidia Cards: How to use.

Hi, Can you share some of those models? We will have a system with 15 cameras FullHD to processing in real time. We have tested the system with NVidia GTX cards and normal PCs, but we are looking for minimize the amount of PCs to do it. Another thing is have a good relation of cost and benefity. If you have any suggestions, we will thanks.


2017-05-10 15:14:50 -0600 answered a question OpenCV and NVidia Cards: How to use.

Hi, Can you share some of those models? We will have a system with 15 cameras FullHD to processing in real time. We have tested the system with NVidia GTX cards and normal PCs, but we are looking for minimize the amount of PCs to do it. Another thing is have a good relation of cost and benefity. If you have any suggestions, we will thanks.


2017-05-04 20:44:15 -0600 asked a question OpenCV and NVidia Cards: How to use.


I am looking to more information about hardware performance with NVIDA Cards for Computing Vision. For example: GTX vs Quadro vs Tesla, or GTX SLI vs GTX. How to use? There are many information and reviews about game applications, no to OpenCV/Computing Vision. Can I assume that if it is good for game it is good for OpenCV/Computing Vision too? Thanks!

Glauco Todesco

2016-11-11 13:18:16 -0600 commented question waitkey in loop


I removed "Some code" of my test and I have the same problem. I put some prints in my code and always stop before waitkey:

I changed the version of OpenCV to 2.4.13 and my loop works well.

Here my "some code", nothing special, just an example of manipulation of histogram. If this sample has anything wrong, send me comments please:

while (true) {

    Mat grayAux = gray.clone();
    grayAux = grayAux + cont;

    cont = cont + inc;

    if (cont > 60)
        inc = -1;

    if (cont < -60)
        inc = 1;

    hist = calcHist(grayAux, numbins);
    histImage = drawHist(hist, numbins);

    // Show image
    imshow("Gray", grayAux);

    //Show histogram
    imshow("Histogram", histImage);

    if (waitKey(100) >= 0)
        cout << "Fim";
2016-11-11 02:45:17 -0600 asked a question waitkey in loop

Hi All,

I am try this code below (OpenCV 3.1, Win10 and C++ VS 2015). This works and shows de image in windows, but after some interaction or seconds, the loop stop always in waitkey. No messages erros shows and i have close the application in VS. Any suggestions?

while (true) 

  //Some code ....

  imshow("Gray", gray);

  if (waitKey(100) >= 0)
