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2013-10-30 06:55:22 -0600 answered a question Install opencv - cmake

There is a very good Tutorial for Visual Stuodio 2012 with Windows 7 64 bit for the opencv 242. I had also many problems installing opencv 246. Here is the link:

2013-10-30 05:38:26 -0600 asked a question Cascade Classifier does not load(vs 242 visual studio 2012)

I wanted to try a simple face tracking program, but the Cascade Classifier does not load!

    CascadeClassifier faceCasscade;

I don t know how to solve the problem tried nearly everthing. I am not a pro and just have installed opencv. So please help me and try to make it simple.:)

Here what Visual Studio says: Unhandled exception at at 0x000007FEFD40940D in BasisOpenCv.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cv::Exception at memory location 0x00000000001AED00.

Thank you for your help and your time!