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2017-10-30 13:46:22 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-10-29 16:12:58 -0600 commented question Compile opencv_contrib

It seems to work. But how could I activate the OpenCL part in the algorithm?

2017-10-29 14:25:44 -0600 asked a question Compile opencv_contrib

Compile opencv_contrib Hello, I work on ubuntu 16.04 and I try to compile a module in opencv_contrib. I have already i

2017-06-23 09:21:18 -0600 commented question Video and deployement problems

Yes It was the problem. Thank you @berak

2017-06-23 08:37:46 -0600 commented question Video and deployement problems

Yes I checked on the other computer is not readable , the videocapture are not opened. But what I don't understand is the path to the video is correct, so why the video are not open? Is there a codec problem on my computer? How can I check where the problem comes? In fact my question is not why there is a crash( it is obvious, opencv can't read the video) but more why Opencv can't read the video.

2017-06-23 08:05:21 -0600 asked a question Video and deployement problems


I develop an application on my computer using Opencv. The application read Images and videos on windows 10 with Opencv 3.2.0 . On my computer both work properly.

I try to deploy the application on my other computer. So I take my exe file and the dll from Opencv and I put all this file on my computer. There is no Opencv install on it. When I try to execute my program, the images are readable but the video crash with that error:

opencv error assertion failed (scn == 3 scn == 4) in cvtcolor

Where that error could come?

2016-12-08 12:02:24 -0600 asked a question Resolution of device


I work with Opencv on ubuntu. I get a simple camera. I get a preview on the image on guvcview and I have a full hd resolution from my camera. When I open a videocapture on opencv the resolution is reset to 640x480.

Why this append? Can I change the resolution of my device on opencv?

Can someone give me explainations about that?

2016-08-13 14:32:19 -0600 asked a question Haar classifier


I works on weak classifier and i try to understand the implementation on OpenCV:

template<class feval=""> inline int predictOrdered( CascadeClassifierImpl& cascade, Ptr<featureevaluator> &_featureEvaluator, double& sum ) { int nstages = (int); int nodeOfs = 0, leafOfs = 0; FEval& featureEvaluator = (FEval&)_featureEvaluator; float cascadeLeaves = &[0]; CascadeClassifierImpl::Data::DTreeNode* cascadeNodes = &[0]; CascadeClassifierImpl::Data::DTree* cascadeWeaks = &[0]; CascadeClassifierImpl::Data::Stage* cascadeStages = &[0];

for( int si = 0; si < nstages; si++ )
    CascadeClassifierImpl::Data::Stage& stage = cascadeStages[si];
    int wi, ntrees = stage.ntrees;
    sum = 0;

    for( wi = 0; wi < ntrees; wi++ )
        CascadeClassifierImpl::Data::DTree& weak = cascadeWeaks[stage.first + wi];
        int idx = 0, root = nodeOfs;

            CascadeClassifierImpl::Data::DTreeNode& node = cascadeNodes[root + idx];
            double val = featureEvaluator(node.featureIdx);
            idx = val < node.threshold ? node.left : node.right;
        while( idx > 0 );
        sum += cascadeLeaves[leafOfs - idx];
        nodeOfs += weak.nodeCount;
        leafOfs += weak.nodeCount + 1;
    if( sum < stage.threshold )
        return -si;
return 1;


Here is haar implémentation for facedetection. For what i understand, there are trees which contain nodes. A node is a part of a kernel which is apply to the image. A kernel ( a list of node ) is contained in a tree. In the previous code the program read all the trees and apply the node to the image. I don't understand why there are left and right part of the node? I try to find the explaination of this algorithm can't someone help me?

2016-01-09 02:11:00 -0600 asked a question Native camera shield tablet error


I develop a native application on my shield tablet to get camera frame. I download the shield tutorial and I work on eclipse.

I get that erro:

    01-09 08:45:35.475: I/art(9536): Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
01-09 08:45:35.559: D/AndroidRuntime(9536): Shutting down VM
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536): Process: com.nvidia.NativeCamera, PID: 9536
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "_ZN7android11BufferQueueC1ERKNS_2spINS_19IGraphicBufferAllocEEE" referenced by "/data/app/com.nvidia.NativeCamera-1/lib/arm/"...
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at com.nvidia.NativeCamera.NativeCamera.<clinit>(
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at$H.handleMessage(
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at$
01-09 08:45:35.560: E/AndroidRuntime(9536):     at

I don't really understand the reason of that error.

Can someone give me a hand?

Best regard.

2014-01-06 12:38:40 -0600 asked a question Camera parameter estimation


I would like to program a algorithm which estimates the extrinsec parameter. I don't found algorithm which estimate the rotation and the translation. I find easily algorithme to estimate the translation and the intrinsec parameter but I don't know how to find the rotation parameter.

I have this equation which link the XYZ position and the pixel:

u = au * ([r1 r2 r3][X Y Z] + tx) /([r7 r8 r9][X Y Z] + tz)

where the rotation R = [ r1 r2 r3; r4 r5 r6; r7 r8 r9]

Where could I find more information about the resolution of the algorithm?

Best regard.

2013-10-08 05:56:35 -0600 answered a question YUV422 image appears only gray


I had the same trouble with my webcam. I use unicap library which me information about my webcam:

    YUV 4:2:2 (YUYV) ( YUYV )
        FOURCC: YUYV
        size: 1280x1024x16
        size_count: 7

But the only result I can get, it is a gray scale images.

Do you achieve to get rgb images from your camera?