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2013-09-18 11:50:48 -0600 answered a question What is a .vec file?

From OpenCV Docs :

opencv_createsamples is used to prepare a training dataset of positive and test samples. opencv_createsamples produces dataset of positive samples in a format that is supported by both opencv_haartraining and opencv_traincascade applications. The output is a file with *.vec extension, it is a binary format which contains images.

The .vec is a binary image file. I think it's a vector format of some description but I can't find a source for that.

2013-09-18 11:46:49 -0600 asked a question How to get width and height of face from image

Hi I have a large set of images of faces extracted from videos. I would like to simply measure the width and the height of each face found in the images. When I use the HAAR classifiers it returns square faces detected no matter how fat or thin the face was.

There are some improvements that would be ideal, although I'm happy with just the first step.

  • As a minimum I'm looking for examples to measure the width and height of faces detected in images.
  • Ideally these faces would first be rotated to facing forwards to measure the width and height of the actual person's face, rather than the pixel width of a potentially rotated face.

Example code would be much appreciated