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2016-10-21 05:31:46 -0600 commented question what does do here?

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2016-10-21 05:11:54 -0600 asked a question what does do here?

Hello, can some tell me what the script in here do

I am unable to find any documentation regarding this


This seems to have something to do with building OpenCV with OpenCL1.1 which I need to do and currently cant by just changing the include path for OpenCL (I get build errors for some APIs which are in 1.2 but absent in 1.1)

And I think this would in-turn generate some of the files in opencv/modules/core/src/opencl/runtime/autogenerated

2016-10-18 09:29:33 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-10-18 09:28:48 -0600 asked a question Compiling OpenCV2.8 with OpenCL1.1

I tried compiling OpenCV2.4 with opencl 1.1 with headers from I had to change #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_2 to #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_1 in opencv/cmake/checks/opencl.cpp

also suggests that it should work with OpenCL 1.1

But I still get errors like cl_runtime_opencl.hpp:294:61: error: 'cl_device_partition_property' does not name a type when building.

Do I have to go back to an older version to get OpenCL1.1 working? or have I missed something?

I am on OpenCV tag

2016-10-06 02:35:40 -0600 commented question Building for android from cygwin

Because I already use cygwin and dont want to change that? not just for OpenCV. I rely on lot of other libraries and have a proper setup with cygwin.

2016-10-06 00:45:08 -0600 asked a question Building for android from cygwin

I am trying to build OpenCV for android as a static library. I went through and saw that it mentions cygwin's make is not supported and i can use gnu make from ndk.

I have android-ndk-r11c, does this still hold true? should i be able to just do ln -s ndk_makepath.exe /bin/make.exe and make it work?

Also does someone know what the problem with cygwin make is?