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2018-12-24 06:07:00 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-04-27 11:18:07 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-01-09 20:58:08 -0600 asked a question pixel change of place

Hi I need to do an algorithm using the opencv library, which consists of dividing the image into rectangles and then move the pixels of a rectangle to another, for the extraction of features from a given image. I used the rectangle to divide the image function, anyone know how to help me?

For example, the pixel at position (2.10) belongs to the first rectangle and I want him to belong to the second rectangle ...

2013-09-02 08:15:23 -0600 commented answer Pixels in the region of interest (ROI)

But in this case I'll be changing the value of the pixel and not the position, in fact I need to get the pixel is on the edge of ROI1 and put it in ROI2, so that by the time I go to print the image on the screen no longer appears she divided into rectangles, but a little deformed.

2013-08-28 17:06:18 -0600 answered a question Pixels in the region of interest (ROI)

But in this case I'll be changing the value of the pixel and not the position, in fact I need to get the pixel is on the edge of ROI1 and put it in ROI2, so that by the time I go to print the image on the screen no longer appears she divided into rectangles, but a little deformed.

2013-08-28 17:02:04 -0600 commented question Pixels in the region of interest (ROI)

Then I drew a grid on my image and now I want to change a few pixels that are on the edge of the rectangles, rectangle to another, for example, that the pixel at position (0.159) belongs to ROI1 and I want to put it in ROI2 ...

2013-08-19 13:58:27 -0600 asked a question Pixels in the region of interest (ROI)

Hello, could someone help me, I'm new to OpenCV and would like to know how to change a pixel of an roi to another. My program opens an image, divides the image into rectangles with the rectangle function, and would like to know how to change a few pixels from the edges of rectangle. From already, thank you.