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2016-09-02 08:56:09 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-09-02 01:13:30 -0600 asked a question doubt about findContours - hiearchy

After reading the paper about the algorithm behind findContours, a doubt came up to me.

During scans, when a new border point shows up, the parent border is decided according to a few criteria. If NBD (newest) and LNBD (latest newest) are of the same type, the parent of NBD is the parent of LNBD. Otherwise, the parent is LNBD itself. Looking at the docs, openCV stores this type of things in hiearchy[i][3].

But my doubt is, how and where is built the rest of hierarchy (e.g., previous, next) when i use CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE and CV_RETR_TREE?