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2016-08-29 14:21:51 -0600 commented question Stereo camera calibration gives bad rms error

Thank you berak, for your interest. As i said above, i just used sample code. I only changed code to enter my image locations. Therefore i did not include these codes. And thank you too FooBar. Code first calculates intrinsic and other values. I got a file which contains these values from code.

2016-08-29 12:24:44 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-08-29 12:21:07 -0600 asked a question Stereo camera calibration gives bad rms error

I am trying to calibrate my homemade stereo camera. I used sample code provided by OpenCV (stereo_calib.cpp).

I use 30 pairs of chessboard images. Code can find inner corners.

At the end i have RMS value of 21 and rectified image is just a black image.

How can i improve RMS value???

Here is my intrinsic.yml file:

image description

image description