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2013-08-07 06:41:34 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2013-08-07 06:41:12 -0600 commented answer Creating video from a set of images

I will try compiling ffmpeg for android so. Thank you @berak.

2013-08-07 06:31:09 -0600 commented answer Creating video from a set of images

I am so confused right now, if it is not possible to read/write files on android, whats the meaning of OpenCV4Android project?

2013-08-07 05:17:42 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-08-07 05:16:56 -0600 asked a question Creating video from a set of images


I just found this project and after reading the characteristics I have a question:

I am developing an aplication on Android for making time-lapses. The time lapse technique is based on shooting pictures every "X" seconds (5seconds, 30 seconds, etc) and then using all the pictures captured for creating an output video (with a frame rate much superior [20-30fps]).

Looking for a library for android that supports creating videos (because the android API does not provide anything) I see that ffmpeg library is widely used.

Does OpenCV provide the same functionality that ffmpeg and I can use it to create a video from a set of images saved on a SD-card?

Thank you.