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2016-07-07 08:42:34 -0600 commented answer Error KAZE OpenCV 3.1.0

Thank you! I have tried that too but I get the same error.

2016-07-07 08:41:31 -0600 commented question Error KAZE OpenCV 3.1.0

Thank you for your answer. Yes I am sure, but I have tried it for 2.4 also after changing a little bit the code. I get the same error :/ I use it with Xcode 7

2016-07-07 06:25:49 -0600 asked a question Error KAZE OpenCV 3.1.0

I tried to compile a function for extracting the features. Ptr<Feature2d> kaze = KAZE::create(); But I get an errors with that. First is "Use of undeclared identifier 'KAZE'" The next line is kaze->detectAndCompute(img, noArray(), keypoints, descriptors);. There it is said: "No member named 'detectAndCompute' in 'cv::Feature2D'". I have included the header #include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp> and I also linked the libs. I tried to use AKAZA instead, but I got the same error. I don't know what is wrong.