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2020-12-09 01:20:19 -0600 asked a question How to avoid potential noise after Canny?

How to avoid potential noise after Canny? I have a time averaged grayscale frame of a video: I applied Canny edge dete

2020-12-09 00:22:02 -0600 commented question How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)?

Sorry for my eng, but i don't wanna use matchTemplate:) It works, but I think there is an easier way to compare two imag

2020-12-07 02:08:29 -0600 commented question How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)?

I added example

2020-12-07 02:08:05 -0600 edited question How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)?

How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)? Hi! I have a TV logo image and a rect

2020-12-05 09:07:57 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-12-02 03:20:56 -0600 commented question How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)?

I think I can check if two images (TV logo and cropped from the frame with logo rect) are almost similar. But I don't kn

2020-12-02 03:05:52 -0600 commented question Video processing to detect a logo in frames

And after i detected a TV logo, how can i track when it disappears?

2020-12-02 03:02:42 -0600 edited question How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)?

How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)? Hi! I have a TV logo image and a rect

2020-12-02 02:57:44 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-12-02 02:57:44 -0600 edited question How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)?

How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)? Hi! I have a TV logo image and a rect

2020-12-02 02:17:26 -0600 commented question TV logo detection in a video file

Yep, thank you, sturkmen, that worked for me:)

2020-12-02 02:17:25 -0600 asked a question How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)?

How can I track the disappearance of a TV logo in a certain area in a frame (ROI)? Hi! I have a TV logo image and a rect

2020-11-28 02:04:24 -0600 commented question Video processing to detect a logo in frames

Hey Tina! I have the similar problem. Could you tell me please which way did you use to solve your task?

2020-11-28 02:04:23 -0600 asked a question TV logo detection in a video file

TV logo detection in a video file Hi! I am trying to detect a TV channel logo in a video. My aim is to classify commerci