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2020-09-24 19:07:40 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-12-06 12:52:27 -0600 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-10-03 12:01:04 -0600 commented question Find the center of mass of cells and crop the image

Sorry, maybe I was not precise enough. I need to find the exact center of gravity as you called it, an approximation is

2018-10-03 10:49:29 -0600 answered a question Find the center of mass of cells and crop the image

Sorry, maybe I was not precise enough. I need to find the exact center of gravity as you called it, an approximation is

2018-09-30 14:08:23 -0600 asked a question Find the center of mass of cells and crop the image

Find the center of mass of cells and crop the image I am trying to make a program to analyze cell nucleus, but in order

2018-07-26 03:20:49 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-01-17 23:21:36 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-07-06 08:30:46 -0600 asked a question Encode image and copy to char* buffer

Hi I would like to copy encoded image as .png to char* buffer. What I am trying is:

CvMat* mat = cvEncodeImage(".png", img, param);
int bufLen = buffer->step;
unsigned char * pData = buffer->data.ptr;
char* buf;
memcpy( buf, pData, bufLen);

However buffer seems to be empty... I am not sure if I am accessing the data the right way, but I am having a hard time finding a proper documentation for this. Also - this has to be done in raw C (it's part of a bigger project).

Has anyone tried to do something like this before?


2016-06-12 16:37:46 -0600 answered a question Problems with rectified pictures for stereo vision

Hey, I guess you probably won't visit this topic after 3 months, but I will still give it a shot. By any chance, have you solved this problem yet? I'm currently at the same state, I can't move on with 3D reconstruction because objects on the new images are somehow resized. Cheers.

2016-06-12 09:28:27 -0600 asked a question How to rectify points, stereo camera calibration

Hi guys,

I'm looking for the proper function that I can use to rectify my points, and either I cannot understand the documentation or perhaps there is no such function that I'm looking for. I will try to shortly describe you my program. The goal is to find X, Y and Z coordinates of little green balls that I'm taking the photos of. In order to do so, I use two cameras. First I made 15 chessboard photos to perform camera calibration. I do it for each camera using calibrateCamera() function. Then I undistort images with green balls using undistort(). Once that is done, I find the x and y coordinates of the green balls position on the image (coordinates in pixels). What I want to do next is to rectify those points to get canonical geometry. I'd like to rectify just points, not the whole images. As far as I know, what I need is essential and fundamental matrix. I get them by using the stereoCalibrate() function, where I pass my chessboard corners that I've already found before. So here I'm at the point that I have my 2d coordinates from both camera images, and I also have essential and fundamental matrix. And absolutely no idea what to do next to rectify those points. I use this documentation. Not everything is clear there for me, but I can't see anything close to rectifypoints there.
