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2016-06-13 08:43:47 -0600 commented answer Compute stereo remapped points without applying cv::remap to whole image.

For a stereo pair the images are stereo rectified so that the same point in left and right image lies in the same row for both images. I have tested the values obtained from undistortPoints function and they don't match with the values obtained from remap function.

2016-06-11 18:25:07 -0600 commented answer Compute stereo remapped points without applying cv::remap to whole image.

Hi, thanks for answering, undistortPoints corresponds to removal of distortion but I have stereo images (left and right) on which I need to apply stereo rectification for the computation of depth.So undistortPoints will not solve the issue.

2016-06-11 00:10:12 -0600 asked a question Compute stereo remapped points without applying cv::remap to whole image.

I can compute the same feature's coordinate in left and right stereo image ,please suggest a faster way to compute these points in location in stereo calibrated image without applying cv::remap to whole image.

The initUndistortRectifyMap function in opencv results in maap in x and y direction that contains the coordinates of the undistorted pixel it computes these maps based on intrinsic camera matrix ,distortion matrix and rotation matrix.

initUndistortRectifyMap(cam1,dst1,R1,P1, imageSize, CV_16SC2, map1x,map1y);

cam1 (intrinsic camera matrix) dst1 (distortion coefficients) R1 (Rotation Matrix) map1x (new map of size of the image to denote where the shifted x coordinate lies in undistorted image) map2x ((new map of size of the image to denote where the shifted y coordinate lies in undistorted image) So if new the image coordinates in distorted image (xdistort,ydistort) the undistorted can be computed using

x_undistort =<short>(ydistort,xdistort);
y_undistort =<short>(ydistort,xdistort);

I checked the corresponding points in undistorted image they donot result in the same point. I checked the value of map1x at (0,0) and it contains negative value and when I click on console to find the coordinate value it gives the corresponding result from (0:im_width,0:imheight) . Is there any normalization procedure ? How to compute points directly without processing the whole image .