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2020-06-18 04:05:06 -0600 asked a question LBPHFaceRecognizer slows down processes

LBPHFaceRecognizer slows down processes Hi to all, i'm using RaspberryPI4+Python 3.7+ openCV to move servo motors. I hav

2020-06-18 03:25:57 -0600 commented question exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ?[solved]

hi berak, everything works properly but i had one last question. I have seen that used LBPHFaceRecognizer the program is

2020-06-16 10:50:28 -0600 edited question exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ?[solved]

exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ? Hi to all, i made a webcam (+ servo) that can follow my

2020-06-16 10:48:22 -0600 commented answer exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ?[solved]

Oh... .. O_O'...Hi berak, yes, you are right. Yesterday when I checked the code I did this: print (len(face)) .. instead

2020-06-16 02:37:27 -0600 commented question exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ?[solved]

Hi berak, thank s for the answer. I added the code. I hope you can help me. Bye

2020-06-16 02:30:42 -0600 edited question exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ?[solved]

exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ? Hi to all, i made a webcam (+ servo) that can follow my

2020-06-16 02:18:45 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-06-16 02:18:45 -0600 edited question exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ?[solved]

exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ? Hi to all, i made a webcam (+ servo) that can follow my

2020-06-16 00:43:33 -0600 asked a question exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ?[solved]

exist a flag or variable that indicates if a face is present ? Hi to all, i made a webcam (+ servo) that can follow my