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HunterP's profile - activity

2020-10-03 12:40:27 -0600 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2020-10-03 12:40:27 -0600 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2020-10-03 12:29:02 -0600 answered a question Error when running example code

Looking back at this, I was attempting to open a png file with VideoCapture() When opening a png file, you must use cv2

2020-10-02 10:23:38 -0600 edited question Computing distance of identified object with stereoCalibrate() and stereo(), not whole depth map

Computing distance of identified object StereoCalibrate, not whole depth map I'm building a turret that will need minimu

2020-10-02 10:23:21 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-10-02 10:23:21 -0600 edited question Computing distance of identified object with stereoCalibrate() and stereo(), not whole depth map

Computing disparity of identified object, not whole depth map I'm building a turret that will need minimum 20 FPS at at

2020-10-02 10:22:51 -0600 commented question Computing distance of identified object with stereoCalibrate() and stereo(), not whole depth map

Sure, Sorry I may have gotten disparity and distance confused. I'm really just looking for the distance and angle of an

2020-10-02 10:22:37 -0600 commented question Computing distance of identified object with stereoCalibrate() and stereo(), not whole depth map

Sure, Sorry I may have gotten disparity and distance confused. I'm really just looking for the distance and angle of an

2020-10-02 10:21:27 -0600 commented question Computing distance of identified object with stereoCalibrate() and stereo(), not whole depth map

Sure, Sorry I may have gotten disparity and distance confused. I'm really just looking for the distance and angle of an

2020-10-01 23:39:50 -0600 asked a question Computing distance of identified object with stereoCalibrate() and stereo(), not whole depth map

Computing disparity of identified object, not whole depth map I'm building a turret that will need minimum 20 FPS at at

2020-03-25 16:46:29 -0600 commented question Error when running example code

Okay, I believe I've removed the argument parsers correctly, but I'm not sure. The upper part of my code looks like this

2020-03-25 16:45:56 -0600 commented question Error when running example code

Okay, I believe I've removed the argument parsers correctly, but I'm not sure. The upper part of my code looks like this

2020-03-25 14:02:38 -0600 commented question Error when running example code

I tried that too, same exact error

2020-03-25 13:57:45 -0600 asked a question Error when running example code

Error when running example code I've been following this tutorial, but once I ran the second script when analyzing the w