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2013-07-17 21:45:19 -0600 answered a question Accessing OpenCV DLLs from VS2012

Hi, gt324

In the tutorial I gave up in the first few lines give you a link for 64 bit operating systems. Similarly here I leave the link to the 64 bit.

I hope you solve. :)

2013-07-17 00:19:30 -0600 answered a question Accessing OpenCV DLLs from VS2012

Hello, gt324.

I remembered a lot of me when I started with opencv using Visual Studio 2012, your problem is configuration. You have to import the libraries, archives "lib" and not the "dll", on the other hand, many presonas programmed using the libraries for release to debug, and this brings problems that sometimes keeps us busy for a while :). I advise you to read this tutorial and follow in detail:

I hope you solve.

2013-07-15 23:38:58 -0600 answered a question need fast webcam for cv

Hi, spiegeleye.

The problem with using face tracking in real time, is that it always depends on the quality of the camera, I think your problem is with the processing of the algorithm, this can cause it to slow the video, making you think that the camera is bad or low frames.