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2020-01-20 09:39:41 -0600 commented question how to reconnect to rtsp stream with VideoCapture in c++

there is no app or web browser involved in mt code, this process that does all the work, and I see from my error log tha

2020-01-20 07:04:02 -0600 commented question how to reconnect to rtsp stream with VideoCapture in c++

yes running 24 hrs 7 days, the system can stop to change the stream URL or add another stream, I see when I adding a new

2020-01-20 02:04:28 -0600 asked a question how to reconnect to rtsp stream with VideoCapture in c++

how to reconnect to rtsp stream with VideoCapture in c++ I', trying to write a code that does reconnection to stream whe