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2019-11-19 09:55:34 -0600 commented question cv::waitKey not reading keyboard input properly

And why you cast return value from waitKey to char then to int and then in IF() again casts char to int and compare it w

2019-11-19 09:55:08 -0600 commented answer cv::waitKey not reading keyboard input properly

And why he cast return value from waitKey to char then to int and then in IF() again casts char to int and compare it wi

2019-11-19 09:53:46 -0600 edited answer cv::waitKey not reading keyboard input properly

I think problem in waitKey(0). As I have the same issue. Don't use waitKey(0), use waitKey(1); Yes, FPS will little slow

2019-11-19 09:36:21 -0600 edited question findChessboardCorners() gives False in OpenCV 4.1.2 C++

findChessboardCorners() gives False in OpenCV 4.1.2 C++ Hi everybody, I want to calibrate my camera for getting distance

2019-11-19 09:34:04 -0600 commented answer cv::waitKey not reading keyboard input properly

If it don't work please, use destroyWindow after all functions which assosiated with waitKey(0). Or use namedWindow("Fra

2019-11-19 09:33:52 -0600 edited answer cv::waitKey not reading keyboard input properly

I think problem in waitKey(0). As I have the same issue. Don't use waitKey(0), use waitKey(1); Yes, FPS will little slow

2019-11-19 09:31:07 -0600 commented answer cv::waitKey not reading keyboard input properly

It will matter. If you don't use destroyWindow or namedWindow It won't get key while you don't close window with image.

2019-11-19 08:22:12 -0600 edited question findChessboardCorners() gives False in OpenCV 4.1.2 C++

findChessboardCorners() gives False in OpenCV 4.1.2 C++ Hi everybody, I want to calibrate my camera for getting distance

2019-11-19 07:15:34 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-11-19 07:15:34 -0600 edited answer cv::waitKey not reading keyboard input properly

I think problem in waitKey(0). As I have the same issue. Don't use waitKey(0), use waitKey(1); Yes, FPS will little slow

2019-11-19 07:12:22 -0600 answered a question cv::waitKey not reading keyboard input properly

I think problem in waitKey(0). AsI have the same issue. Don't use waitKey(0), use waitKey(1); Yes, FPS will little slow

2019-11-19 07:12:00 -0600 commented question cv::waitKey not reading keyboard input properly

I think problem in waitKey(0). AsI have the same issue. Don't use waitKey(0), use waitKey(1); Yes, FPS will little slow

2019-11-18 13:08:05 -0600 asked a question findChessboardCorners() gives False in OpenCV 4.1.2 C++

findChessboardCorners() gives False in OpenCV 4.1.2 C++ Hi everybody, I want to calibrate my camera for getting distance