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2020-09-27 10:54:00 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-09-16 12:45:35 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2020-02-03 07:14:48 -0600 commented answer AttributeError: module 'opencv' has no attribute 'imread' PS C:\Users\OpenCV>

I changed the name of the folder before. Changing the folder back to cv2 and changing the code, I get the same error. M

2020-02-02 15:32:48 -0600 asked a question AttributeError: module 'opencv' has no attribute 'imread' PS C:\Users\OpenCV>

AttributeError: module 'opencv' has no attribute 'imread' PS C:\Users\OpenCV> Hello, I am new to openCV and have sta

2019-11-13 19:34:38 -0600 commented question samples.findfile for loading photos

What do you mean?

2019-11-12 07:13:09 -0600 commented question samples.findfile for loading photos

-I've downloaded it from pip. -It does have a sample folder, and it does have a data folder which contains all pictures

2019-11-11 22:34:05 -0600 asked a question samples.findfile for loading photos

samples.findfile for loading photos Hello, I've downloaded openCV for python and am using it on Microsoft Visual Studio