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2019-11-04 21:30:43 -0600 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2019-11-03 15:19:47 -0600 answered a question Extract Handwriting and Print from Background

I found a possible solution. First, I use only the red channel of the image, since print and handwriting do have less re

2019-10-31 23:15:09 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2019-10-31 17:08:27 -0600 commented answer Extract Handwriting and Print from Background

Since I'm a new user I have to wait for two days, but I found a good solution. I used only the red channel of the image

2019-10-31 16:08:01 -0600 commented answer Extract Handwriting and Print from Background

Happy Halloween! But I'm sorry, the image is missing the printed parts, e.g. "30+" indicates the payment slip type and i

2019-10-31 08:52:36 -0600 edited question Extract Handwriting and Print from Background

Extract Handwriting and Print from Background Hi! I'm not the smartest person when it comes to image processing. I have

2019-10-31 08:40:04 -0600 commented question Extract Handwriting and Print from Background

I do see the image, on Desktop and Smartphone (Android). It is a BMP, maybe this is a problem? I tried to upload it dire

2019-10-31 06:34:43 -0600 asked a question Extract Handwriting and Print from Background

Extract Handwriting and Print from Background Hi! I'm not the smartest person when it comes to image processing. I have