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2020-09-25 19:49:47 -0600 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2020-01-04 02:29:38 -0600 answered a question Fastest way to convert BGR <-> RGB! Aka: Do NOT use Numpy magic "tricks".

@tjwmmd2 fantastic article~!!!! I was looking for how to convert BGR to RGB and so many answers. Your answer unified al

2013-07-09 00:00:21 -0600 asked a question how to detect a waving hand from an non-fixed camera

Dear all,

I am wondering is it possible to detect a waving hand from a non-fixed camera? By saying non-fixed, I mean the camera can be hold on someone's hand or attached on the top of a moving car etc.

I have seen almost all of examples of motion detection are based on a fixed camera. So my question emerged and I haven't conceived any good ideas.

Please help if you can. Any possible solutions are welcome.

Best regards,
