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2019-12-14 13:25:47 -0600 commented answer How to overexpose an image

tried that no change.The face became more dark

2019-12-14 12:37:38 -0600 asked a question How to overexpose an image

How to overexpose an image Hi,I have an image taken against a bright background via webcam.Now obviously the image is hi

2019-09-11 22:01:59 -0600 received badge  Teacher (source)
2019-09-11 12:09:07 -0600 marked best answer explanation for dnn_backend_opencv not declared in scope error

While running the dnn example for yolo I keep running into this error. Any reason why this is happening. I have made sure to include the namespace cv ,dnn, and std.

2019-09-11 12:09:05 -0600 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2019-09-11 11:52:33 -0600 commented question explanation for dnn_backend_opencv not declared in scope error

I was able to solve it, thanks and I will keep it in mind for the future.

2019-09-11 08:14:48 -0600 commented question explanation for dnn_backend_opencv not declared in scope error

Sorry about that my mistake. So I am working with ros-OpenCV.Although I have installed the Debian package offered by Ubu

2019-09-11 06:29:31 -0600 asked a question explanation for dnn_backend_opencv not declared in scope error

explanation for dnn_backend_opencv not declared in scope error While running the dnn example for yolo I keep running int

2019-09-03 05:00:45 -0600 commented question How to include xfeatures2d.hpp from the extra modules to run SURF

I am also having the same error, and I did make install. But when I run my project it says xfeatures2d.hpp file not foun

2019-09-03 05:00:44 -0600 commented question Opencv4.1.1 build error

hmmm so should i set it as #include<usr local="" opencv4="" xfeatures2d=""> or should I do set("OPENCV_DIR",the h

2019-09-03 04:11:02 -0600 asked a question Opencv4.1.1 build error

Opencv4.1.1 build error So I was able to build opencv4.1 (by downloading opencv4.1 and OpenCV-contrib) on ubuntu 16.04 a