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2020-05-03 10:51:21 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-04-30 04:10:50 -0600 commented question Docker build fails on docker hub

Thanks this worked for me, by reducing these items I was able to get it working on docker hub. Thanks a lot.

2020-04-29 11:37:06 -0600 commented question Docker build fails on docker hub

After changing this setting, i still got the same error.. I`m also not exactly sure which of these I need for MP4 and R

2020-04-28 11:25:03 -0600 commented question Docker build fails on docker hub

Thanks for the quick response. I tried this out now I get this. [ 81%] Building CXX object modules/dnn_objdetect/CMakeF

2020-04-28 10:36:26 -0600 asked a question Docker build fails on docker hub

Docker build fails on docker hub I`m creating a dockerfile which contains both .NET Core, OpenCV and OpenCVSharp. You ca