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2019-11-28 08:27:42 -0600 commented answer How to run OpenCV DNN on NVidia GPU

It is exactly about CV's DNN. I mentioned darknet only because initially I installed CUDA for it purposes. Sorry for thi

2019-11-28 08:22:34 -0600 commented answer How to run OpenCV DNN on NVidia GPU

It is exactly about CV's DNN. I mentioned darknet only because initially I installed CUDA for it purposes.

2019-11-28 08:22:20 -0600 commented answer How to run OpenCV DNN on NVidia GPU

It was exactly about CV's DNN. I mentioned darknet only because initially I installed CUDA for it purposes.

2019-11-28 08:19:49 -0600 edited answer How to run OpenCV DNN on NVidia GPU

Hi! I have even older GPU chip than you mentioned (my gpu is GTX 970) and it works perfectly well for me with OpenCV 4.1

2019-11-28 08:18:00 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-11-28 08:18:00 -0600 edited answer How to run OpenCV DNN on NVidia GPU

Hi! I have even older GPU chip than you mentioned (my gpu is GTX 970) and it works perfectly well for mw with OpenCV 4.1

2019-11-28 07:51:24 -0600 answered a question How to run OpenCV DNN on NVidia GPU

Hi! I have even older GPU chip than you mentioned (my GTX 970) and it works perfectly well for mw with OpenCV 4.1.1. I h

2019-08-01 07:47:51 -0600 commented answer How to load CV2.ml_Knearest pre-trained classifier back into Python memory?

Thank you very much! Next release totally suits me.

2019-08-01 06:19:43 -0600 commented answer How to load CV2.ml_Knearest pre-trained classifier back into Python memory?

Thank you! I also found this method before, however the most recent version that available in the OpenCV repository is j

2019-08-01 05:18:38 -0600 asked a question How to load CV2.ml_Knearest pre-trained classifier back into Python memory?

How to load CV2.ml_Knearest pre-trained classifier back into Python memory? Hello! I encountered with the problem with l