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2019-06-14 04:56:17 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-06-14 04:56:17 -0600 edited question Capture camera video using h264

Capture camera video using h264 Hi I have Logitech camera which allows yuyv422, h264, mjpeg according to v4l2-ctl repor

2019-06-14 04:18:25 -0600 asked a question Capture camera video using h264

Capture camera video using h264 Hi I have Logitech camera which allows yuyv422, h264, mjpeg according to v4l2-ctl repor

2019-06-14 03:58:03 -0600 answered a question delay of VideoCapture::read (python)

I can suggest you to check two options: 1. Cameras have buffers. And it is possible that your camera uses it. 2. I not