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2020-10-13 14:05:35 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2019-08-12 20:21:42 -0600 commented question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

Hey there berak, I spent the day looking into those operations and better solutions in general, which led me to image su

2019-08-12 09:37:10 -0600 commented question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

Updated with relevant code

2019-08-12 09:36:33 -0600 edited question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false Hello, I am comparing two mats coming from the same v

2019-08-12 09:35:03 -0600 edited question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false Hello, I am comparing two mats coming from the same v

2019-08-12 09:29:55 -0600 edited question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false Hello, I am comparing two mats coming from the same v

2019-08-11 14:25:42 -0600 commented question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

All Mat types I am working with are CV8U_C3

2019-08-11 14:01:04 -0600 edited question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false Hello, I am comparing two mats coming from the same v

2019-08-11 13:58:45 -0600 edited question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false Hello, I am comparing two mats coming from the same v

2019-08-11 13:57:16 -0600 edited question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false Hello, I am comparing two mats coming from the same v

2019-08-11 13:54:57 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-08-11 13:54:57 -0600 edited question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false Hello, I am comparing two mats coming from the same v

2019-08-11 13:54:16 -0600 asked a question OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false

OpenCV mat.get(y,x)[0] == mat2.get(y,x)[0] returns true when false Hello, I am comparing two mats coming from the same v

2019-06-13 15:24:50 -0600 commented question Java - Mat subtract returns all black image

Both are CV_8UC1, they are both Mats taken from the same video; where there is a heart rate like monitor for which I am

2019-06-13 14:56:30 -0600 asked a question Java - Mat subtract returns all black image

Java - Mat subtract returns all black image In OpenCV Java, When I perform Core.subtract(next.clone(), previous.clone(),