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2019-04-01 16:57:07 -0600 commented answer Where are include files for opencv4 after building the project file with codeblock?

Hi berak, it worked like a charm. Thank you !

2019-04-01 06:06:57 -0600 commented answer Where are include files for opencv4 after building the project file with codeblock?

ok! will try it and feedback

2019-04-01 05:43:53 -0600 commented answer Where are include files for opencv4 after building the project file with codeblock?

Ok I see. Then can you tell me step by step how can I run make install on my platform ? I tried on cmd but i got error t

2019-04-01 05:31:58 -0600 commented answer Where are include files for opencv4 after building the project file with codeblock?

I see, but I've already load opencv.cpb in codeeblocks and built it successfully. Nevertheless include (install) dir sti

2019-04-01 04:04:30 -0600 commented answer Where are include files for opencv4 after building the project file with codeblock?

Hi. I appreciate your contribution but, remember I'm on windows OS (Windows 10 64bits)

2019-04-01 04:04:05 -0600 commented answer Where are include files for opencv4 after building the project file with codeblock?

Hi. I appreciate your contribution but, remember I'm on windows OS

2019-03-30 18:03:29 -0600 asked a question Where are include files for opencv4 after building the project file with codeblock?

Where are include files for opencv4 after building the project file with codeblock? Hi. I'm tryong to use opencv4 with c

2019-03-23 10:50:22 -0600 asked a question Got a problem when compiling contrib/xphoto with code blocks mingw files

Got a problem when compiling contrib/xphoto with code blocks mingw files HERE IS MY CMAKE CONFIGURATION General config