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2019-03-07 09:20:15 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Annotation Tool for Mac?

OpenCV Annotation Tool for Mac? I have tried using RectLabel (

2019-03-05 05:07:44 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-03-02 03:59:54 -0600 commented question Need help with training cascade classifier

Yup. You're right. Some of the images are missing. Do I need to add the -bg parameter like this too? opencv_createsample

2019-03-02 03:01:49 -0600 commented question Need help with training cascade classifier

Here's my info.txt file Okay, I will include the error message on my thread the next time.

2019-03-02 03:01:24 -0600 commented question Need help with training cascade classifier

Here's my info.txt file

2019-03-02 02:51:47 -0600 edited question Need help with training cascade classifier

Need help with training cascade classifier I have annotated all of my positive images and put it into a file called "inf

2019-03-02 02:51:04 -0600 edited question Need help with training cascade classifier

Need help with training cascade classifier I have annotated all of my positive images and put it into a file called "inf

2019-03-02 02:50:42 -0600 commented question Need help with training cascade classifier

You mean like this?

2019-03-02 01:43:59 -0600 edited question Need help with training cascade classifier

Need help with training cascade classifier I have annotated all of my positive images and put it into a file called "inf

2019-03-02 01:43:38 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-03-02 01:43:38 -0600 edited question Need help with training cascade classifier

Need help with training cascade classifier I have annotated all of my positive images and put it into a file called "inf

2019-03-02 01:42:39 -0600 asked a question Need help with training cascade classifier

Need help with training cascade classifier I have annotated all of my positive images and put it into a file called "inf

2019-03-02 01:42:38 -0600 asked a question Need help with training cascade classifier

Need help with training cascade classifier I have annotated all of my positive images and put it into a file called "inf

2019-02-28 03:03:49 -0600 asked a question Is it possible to detect fire using OpenCV?

Is it possible to detect fire using OpenCV? As the title already said, I have tried to train a LBP Cascade classifier to