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2019-02-12 10:09:16 -0600 commented answer Multiple object detection using HOG+SVM?

ha ha sure. I was trying a different approach from deep learning. :)

2019-02-12 09:35:36 -0600 commented answer Multiple object detection using HOG+SVM?

@berak... so if i want to detect or match both cars and humans I probably need two different codes right? That is one fo

2019-02-12 09:29:58 -0600 commented answer Multiple object detection using HOG+SVM?

I think i saw your comment from my gmail notification for the below question i posted on the same: http://answers.opencv

2019-02-12 09:27:56 -0600 commented question Multiple object class detection by extracting image features (like SIFT or HOG)

@berak ( - I think i saw your comment from my gmail notification. It seems c

2019-02-12 09:21:25 -0600 commented answer Multiple object detection using HOG+SVM?

I am clear about the above answer, I was asking whether it was possible to compute our own HOG feature vector. And if ye

2019-02-12 00:19:46 -0600 asked a question Multiple object class detection by extracting image features (like SIFT or HOG)

Multiple object class detection by extracting image features (like SIFT or HOG) Hello, I am trying to do object detecti

2019-02-12 00:19:45 -0600 commented answer Multiple object detection using HOG+SVM?

Hi, where you able to find a solution for the same issue? I was also trying to do multiple object class recognition usin