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2020-09-25 19:03:47 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-01-04 02:20:53 -0600 commented question Calculate slope, length and angle of a specific part / side / line on a contour?

thanks for the hints. LBerger if I want to use approxPolyDP, how do I get the requiered InputArray curce out of the cont

2019-01-04 02:20:42 -0600 commented question Calculate slope, length and angle of a specific part / side / line on a contour?

thanks for the hints. LBerger if I want to approxPolyDP, how do I get the requiered InputArray curce out of the contour?

2019-01-03 16:08:45 -0600 asked a question Calculate slope, length and angle of a specific part / side / line on a contour?

Calculate slope, length and angle of a specific part / side / line on a contour? I got two detected contours in an ima