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2020-10-26 08:34:06 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2019-01-27 00:20:39 -0600 answered a question in Android

Hey i just want to know which framework this .net model belongs to is it the Torch7 or obtained by ONNX.I am not clear a

2018-11-30 00:16:39 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-11-28 05:26:51 -0600 commented answer in Android

Are you using it with JAVA based IDE on windows and not on android?

2018-11-28 05:02:45 -0600 commented answer in Android

@berak i think i am doing something wrong here can you share the complete java file.

2018-11-28 04:08:22 -0600 commented answer in Android

I am facing the issues with the Mat result = new Mat(); Imgproc.resize(segm, segm, frame.size());

2018-11-27 23:55:57 -0600 commented answer in Android

I found that OpenCV resize is missing support for certain combinations of input and output depths (numeric types), and

2018-11-27 23:54:40 -0600 commented answer in Android

Got it. @berak @dkurt I am trying to get the live feed from Mobile Camera using JavaCameraPreview. I am developing on Ne

2018-11-27 04:53:48 -0600 commented answer in Android

I am using the OpenCV SDK 3.4.4 for Android, I think it is the latest one? Ok I am trying the guess as mentioned

2018-11-27 04:37:22 -0600 commented question in Android

@dkurt Android the size function is not there.

2018-11-27 04:37:05 -0600 commented question in Android

Android the size function is not there.

2018-11-27 04:36:23 -0600 commented answer in Android

System.out.println(res.size(0)+" "+res.size(1)+" "+res.size(2)+" "+res.size(3)); Here the code is in native OpenCV in n

2018-11-23 02:20:05 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-11-23 02:20:05 -0600 edited question in Android in Android String model = getPath("", getApplicationContext()); net = Dnn.readNet(model);

2018-11-23 02:16:21 -0600 marked best answer DNN blobFromImage gives -1*-1 in Android.

I am using a model with extension .net which works perfectly fine in Python.

net = cv2.dnn.readNet('models/')
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1 / 255.0, (1024, 512), 0,
        swapRB=True, crop=False)

but when I tried to do the same on android I got blob size -1*-1 ideal it should not it should be in the passed dimension only.

I had used this link for the reference.

2018-11-23 02:16:21 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2018-11-23 02:15:48 -0600 commented question Need Equivalent code in JAVA

Yup, it segmentation code in python. Can you suggest any approach how i can get this done on android. Working hard on th

2018-11-22 04:13:57 -0600 asked a question Need Equivalent code in JAVA

Need Equivalent code in JAVA (numClasses, height, width) = output.shape[1:4] # our output class ID map will be num_

2018-11-19 06:15:15 -0600 commented question in Android

Yup i had prototxt file for the same still getting the issue. I am trying the other way around here switch to enet-mode

2018-11-19 05:41:53 -0600 commented question in Android

I uncommented the cvtColor & now i am getting this Assertion failed (blobs.size() != 0) in virtual bool cv::dnn::C

2018-11-19 05:37:33 -0600 commented question in Android

I am using the Caffe Model Enet Yup Height & Width are perfect for them

2018-11-19 05:09:52 -0600 asked a question in Android in Android String model = getPath("", getApplicationContext()); net = Dnn.readNet(model);

2018-11-19 04:34:29 -0600 asked a question DNN blobFromImage gives -1*-1 in Android.

DNN blobFromImage gives -1*-1 in Android. I am using a model with extension .net which works perfectly fine in Python.